Hormone Replacement For Men in
Pembroke Pines FL

Are you tired of those extra pounds, decreased muscle mass, or fatigue? Take control of your life and reclaim your youth with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT). Contact our Pembroke Pines FL Med Spa today to learn more.

Why Replace Testosterone In Pembroke Pines FL?

Testosterone levels in men begin dropping in their mid-20s and continue to decline as we age. Aging, stress, obesity, environmental changes, poor nutrition, etc., all have adverse effects on natural testosterone. As T levels drop below suboptimal values, individuals may experience sharp changes resulting in decreased quality of life. Low testosterone levels may contribute to developing conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes/obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, and increased mortality. Testosterone therapy can help.

What Are The Symptoms Of Suboptimal Testosterone Levels?

  • Decreased energy and fatigue
  • Decreased mental clarity
  • Decreased libido
  • Difficulty achieving an erection
  • Decreased physical strength and muscle mass
  • Increase in body fat
  • Depression, mood changes, sleep disturbances

What Are The Benefits Of TRT?

  • Improve symptoms of hormone imbalances
  • Decrease the likelihood of developing conditions associated with low T levels

What Are My Treatment Options:

  • Testosterone Injections: intramuscular injections are typically administered once weekly
  • Testosterone Pellets: small capsules (size of a grain of rice) inserted below the skin in the hip
  • Testosterone Gels/Creams: easy to use and applied daily

How The Program Works:

  1. Step 1: Consultation with your physician will include a detailed medical history, discussion of treatment goals, physical exam, comprehensive lab panel, and In-Body composition analysis.
  2. Step 2: Based on Step 1, your physician will create a customized hormone plan.
  3. Step 3: Implement any necessary adjustments, monitor response to therapy, and return to the clinic in 3 months for repeat labs and evaluation.


What Is Hormone Pellet Therapy?

Pellet implants are a unique way to treat hormone imbalances into the body. Customized to meet your individual needs, pellets are compounded hormones made from organic plant materials, which have the same molecular structure as those hormones found in the body.

In a simple, quick in-office procedure, your specialist inserts a prescribed number of rice-grain-sized bioidentical hormone pellets under the skin near the hip. These pellets will release steadily small amounts of hormone(s) directly into your bloodstream for an average of several months.

LuxSpa & Wellness offers hormone pellet implants in estradiol, testosterone, testosterone with cholesterol, progesterone, anastrozole and testosterone with anastrozole. We use specialized sterilization techniques to ensure our pellets are sterile and safe.

Benefits of Hormone Pellet Therapy

Considered the gold standard of hormonal therapy treatments, bioidentical hormone pellets are used to treat men and women with low hormone levels. They have the same molecular structure as natural human hormones and work the same way. Delivering these medications in pellet form has several benefits:

  • Consistency: Pellets supply a consistent level of hormones released in the bloodstream.
  • Closest To Nature: Pellets mimic your body’s natural delivery system more closely than any other method.
  • Convenience: You don’t need to worry about remembering to take your medication daily. Hormone pellets only need to be inserted 2-4 times per year depending on what your physician prescribes and what works best for your body.
  • Fewer Side Effects: Pellet therapy bypasses the liver, sending hormones directly into the bloodstream, and avoiding certain side effects of oral medications.
  • Minimum Downtime: we recommend abstaining from extreme activity and avoiding lower body exercises for the first 48 hours. For the first 72 hours, the patient should avoid entering a body of water such as a tub, pool, lake, or ocean. After three days, we remove the outer adhesive, and four days later, the steri-strips bandages are either removed or will fall off on their own.

Bioidentical hormone pellet therapy can be used to treat:

  • Menopause: The most common use of BHRT is to treat the symptoms of menopause in women. These symptoms can include hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, sleep problems, fatigue, mid-section weight gain, loss of muscle mass, foggy thinking, and mood changes.
  • Low Testosterone: Levels of testosterone normally decline with age. Some people have no symptoms, but it can cause men and women to experience low libido, sexual problems, hair loss, fatigue, loss of muscle and bone mass, fat gain (think beer belly for men), mood issues and memory problems.
  • Loss of Bone Density: Postmenopausal osteoporosis affects women during the first decade following menopause. Bones become brittle, fragile, and easy to fracture. This is one of the most common postmenopausal problems doctors treat with bioidentical hormone pellet therapy.
  • Sexual Dysfunction: BHRT may help with vaginal dryness in women, decreased libido in both sexes, and sexual functioning issues in men.
  • Muscle & Strength Loss: Men and women can lose muscle mass and strength as hormone levels decrease. Hormone replacement may help patients continue enjoying their favorite sports, activities and improve their overall quality of life.
  • Mood Disorders: Hormonal changes in menopause or andropause (in men) can cause or worsen mood swings, anxiety disorders, or depression. In addition to worry, fear, agitation, irritability, nervousness, and irrational thoughts, patients can have physical symptoms — rapid heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea, numbness, lightheadedness, shakiness, and high blood pressure.

Who Should Avoid Pellet Hormone Therapy?

Hormone replacement therapy does have potential for risks and side effects which can vary from individual to individual, based on a patient’s medical history and lifestyle. You should always consult carefully with your doctor about the potential pros and cons for you. Some issues may be better or worse with pellet delivery than oral or cream delivery. Make sure your doctor knows if you:

  • Think you may be pregnant.
  • Are experiencing vaginal bleeding.
  • Have/had certain types of cancer such as breast, uterine, or endometrial.
  • Had a stroke or heart attack.
  • Have/had blood clots.
  • Develop a minor local reaction to the implant, such as itching and redness.
  • See the pellets dislodging and coming out of the skin.

In these cases, LuxSpa & Wellness specialists may consider a different solution for you.

Who Can Benefit from Pellet Hormone Therapy?

Pellet hormone therapy may benefit people who have symptoms of hormone imbalance related to age or other factors. In addition to serious medical conditions, as hormone levels decline, both men and women can feel less like “themselves” than when they were younger. They may not have the strength or energy they once had, sex may be difficult or uncomfortable, they may gain or lose weight, and they may be more sensitive to heat and cold. All kinds of things can change, from hair and memory loss, when the body isn’t producing its optimal level of hormones.

What Makes Pellets Unique:

  • Subcutaneous Delivery (Implants): Pellets are implanted under the skin, allowing for a slow release of hormones.
  • Consistent Hormone Release: Pellets provide a steady and consistent release of hormones, avoiding hormone level fluctuations.
  • By-passes Enteral-Hepatic Circulation: Pellets avoid passing through the liver, reducing the impact on clotting factors and minimizing GI side effects.
  • Increased Compliance: Pellets are effective for 3-4 months, reducing the need for frequent treatments and improving patient compliance.


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10:00am - 6:00pm

10:00am - 6:00pm

By Appointment


LuxSpa & Wellness

18465 Pines Blvd
Pembroke Pines, FL 33029
CALL: (754) 400-7412
TEXT: (754) 544-1047